Every Worker's Rights!
Whether you are a member of a union or not.
You have the right to:
- Form or assist others in forming a union.
- Attend a union meeting on your own time.
- Talk to a union organizer.
- Declare yourself a union supporter.
- Join a union of your choosing.
An employer may not legally:
- Fire or discipline an employee/employees for engaging in union activity.
- Threaten to fire or discipline an employee/employees for engaging in union activity.
- Threaten to shut down their business if workers form a union.
- Interfere with or prevent you from soliciting support/members during non-working hours.
- Question you about union matters, union meetings, or union supporters.
- Ask how you or your co-workers intend to vote in an election.
- Ask you whether you belong to a union or have signed up to join a union.
- Transfer or assign you to less desirable work because of your union activity.
- Threaten to terminate your benefits if you unionize.
- Threaten to retaliate against union activity with layoffs or loss of jobs.
Local 181 Members Receive:
- Health Insurance Benefits
- Death Benefits
- Pension Benefits
- Working Under Terms & Conditions Negotiated in Collective
- Bargaining Agreements
Local 181 Members with Union Plus Recieve:
- Legal Services Plan
- Mortgage and Real Estate Savings Program
- Union Privilege Credit Card/Secured Credit Card
- Health Savings
- Accident Insurance
- Education Loans
- Union Family Savers