Every Worker's Rights! Whether you are a member of a union or not. Organizers Kiefer Stiffler 812-940-8226 Justin Miller 270-577-2221 You have the right to: Form or assist others in forming a union. Attend a union meeting on your own time. Talk to a union organizer. Declare yourself a union supporter. Join a union of your choosing. An employer may not legally: Fire or discipline an employee/employees for engaging in union activity. Threaten to fire or discipline an employee/employees for engaging in union activity. Threaten to shut down their business if workers form a union. Interfere with or prevent you from soliciting support/members during non-working hours. Question you about union matters, union meetings, or union supporters. Ask how you or your co-workers intend to vote in an election. Ask you whether you belong to a union or have signed up to join a union. Transfer or assign you to less desirable work because of your union activity. Threaten to terminate your benefits if you unionize. Threaten to retaliate against union activity with layoffs or loss of jobs. Local 181 Members Receive: Health Insurance Benefits Death Benefits Pension Benefits Working Under Terms & Conditions Negotiated in Collective Bargaining Agreements Local 181 Members with Union Plus Recieve: Legal Services Plan Mortgage and Real Estate Savings Program Union Privilege Credit Card/Secured Credit Card Health Savings Accident Insurance Education Loans Union Family Savers